International Yoga Day

Yoga is a way of life

The essence of yoga is creating harmony between mind and body. Yoga develops inner awareness and aligns your thoughts. It is a self-empowering and healing process that helps you lead a healthy lifestyle. Yoga helps you heal from within with a positive mindset. Regular yoga practice not only helps in physical fitness but also develops mindfulness- a state of living in the present moment, simply observing your thoughts, feelings and bodily sensations and fostering gratitude and compassion. In recent years Yoga has become a holistic stress management technique to fight anxiety, trepidation and after effects of pandemic related ailments.

Yoga helps to unlock our infinite power and possibilities. The international yoga day is celebrated to acknowledge the role that yoga plays in our lives and spread awareness to incorporate yoga in everyday life for a peaceful, disease-free and active living. This year’s theme ‘Yoga for Humanity’ reflects the great role played by Yoga during the pandemic, the role of a healer and therapist that helped people walk through the unprecedented covid times.. The theme focuses on highlighting numerous benefits of yoga that helped people understand the importance of a holistic lifestyle during pandemic.

Arpita Gupta

In recent years lung health has shot to prominence due to the pandemic. Here are some basic asanas to help you strengthen your lung capacity-

 Omkar, the chanting of Om and Bhramari, producing the sound of a bee activates your chakras and detoxifies your body.

Kapalbhati, also called breath of fire is a technique that involves forceful breathing which helps in removing blockages in the heart and lungs, increases blood supply, throws toxins out and dries out cough.

 Anoulom Vilom helps in tonsil relief and is very beneficial for asthmatic patients as it improves respiratory health.

Kumbhaka pranayama is filled with benefits for lung health. Regular practice helps strengthen the diaphragm while you hold breath deeply, it increases lung capacity, activates the respiratory center and increases oxygen retention.

Arunendra Singh, a yoga guru sine 7 years strongly believes in the power of yogic techniques to nurture a healthy lifestyle. With Masters in yogic philosophy, he teaches yoga with the sole aim to create a healthy society with a positive mindset towards life. “Yoga is a practice to control senses and stay focused in life”, opines Arunendra. Traditional practices of yoga were limited to certain asanas and dhyan mudras to attain the highest levels of spirituality but over the years yoga has been redefined as per the needs and demands of the changing world. It is no more associated only to spirituality and meditation but has evolved as a complete wellness package for individuals. “Even 15 minutes of pranayama daily can be your solution to several health issues,” he reveals. Stating its benefits Arunendra mentions, “Yogic benefits are infinite if one practices wholeheartedly, it can bring a phenomenal change in your life.” To name a few:

  • Yoga increases endurance
  • Regular practices enhance strength and stability
  • Helps in getting rid of addictions
  • Increases focus and attention
  • Helps you keep calm and tranquil
  • Increases flexibility
Arunendra Singh

Seeta Barot has been passionately practicing yoga for 12 years and from past 7 years she is an aerial yoga instructor. “Aerial yoga is fun as it is practiced on a suspended hammock, weight and height are no barriers to exercise it,” specifies Seeta. The best part about aerial yoga is that your hammock becomes your exercise buddy helping and pushing you to perform better. “There are three levels in aerial yoga- fundamental, aerial and suspension, a combination of these curates a perfect workout for mind and body,” mentions Seeta. Aerial yoga still needs acceptance by individuals as people find it tough and complicated but that’s not the case. With proper guidance and right techniques one can enjoy its benefits in no time. To list a few, Seeta mentions the advantages of aerial yoga-

  • Increases blood circulation,
  • Body control helps in increasing balance and focus
  • Boosts confidence due to performing in air
  • Muscle strength increases
  • Mental relaxation
  • Increases will power
  • Elevates mood

Aerial yoga if practiced thrice a week can help you in weight management, toning and shaping of body, mood elevation, destressing and relaxation. “Though majorly people prefer the traditional yoga forms but aerial yoga is gaining importance in youngsters as its quite thrilling and exciting to perform,” states Seeta.

Seeta Barot

There are few simple techniques for beginners that aid in opening chakras and activating energy points for complete well-being.

·       Simple conscious breathing in itself is very helpful. It detoxifies, releases toxins and strengthens the lymphatic system.

·       Nadi shodhana also known as alternative breathing technique infuses body with oxygen, reduces stress and anxiety, calms and rejuvenates the nervous system, helps alleviate respiratory allergies etc.

·       Practicing Dharna during daytime helps to focus and quiet the mind. The goal of Dharna is to bind your conscious to anything particular.

·       On the contrary practicing dhyana helps in defocusing on stress, anxiety, anger and trauma. It helps in detaching yourself from stuff that you must let go.

·       Trataka, a yogic purification method of meditation involves staring at a single point to develop will power, concentration and self-awareness.

In recent years, Yoga underwent several transformations and upgradation. Besides the traditional forms like hatha/ashtanga/vinyasa, new methods like power yoga, hot yoga, Iyengar yoga, acroyoga, yin yoga, kundalini yoga, restorative yoga, Sivananda yoga etc gained popularity due to improved and modified body movements.

  • Yin yoga is a slow-paced technique where asanas are held for longer period of time for intense stretch and relaxation.
  • Closely modeled on ashtanga yoga, Power yoga is a vigorous, fitness-based approach which is a more dynamic version of traditional yoga
  • Iyengar Yoga focuses on the structural alignment of the physical body through asanas with precision, sequence and use of props.
  • Acroyoga is a combination of acrobatics and yoga usually practiced with partners. It is more vigorous than any yoga form and requires strength, flexibility and training.
  • Hot yoga is a muscle building alternative that is less tedious, yoga sessions are conducted in a heated yoga studio to keep the muscles warm throughout the class.
  • Restorative yoga is often practiced with support of props to relax the body and release stress focusing on stillness, long holds and deep breathing.
  • Kundalini yoga involves chanting, singing and breathing exercises with repetitive poses to activate your kundalini energy located at the base of your spine.
  • Sivananda yoga is a spiritual yoga system focusing on yogic breathing techniques and exercises for healthy well-being.

To attain a happy, healthy and active life, practicing yoga and meditation are mandatory. Yoga not only provides good health and mental wellness but also inculcates love, kindness and empathy towards others to build a stronger and healthier community. So, this International Yoga Day, lets embrace the theme ‘Yoga for humanity’ and work towards sustainable health goals for everyone.

Stay healthy

Akanksha Datta

Akanksha’s Book Club

This article was published in Times of India on International Yoga Day 2022

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